The Show Must Go On… LINE!

We’ve had a great summer at MoCo Arts. Despite it all, we’ve been able to pull things together for several safe and wonderful weeks of summer dance classes and creative arts summer camps. Most importantly, we’ve been able to keep our students and campers connected to the arts, and to…

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MoCo Prepares to Reopen for Fall Classes

After several months of quiet studios and empty halls following the shut-down in March when the state of NH implemented their first stay-at-home order amidst concerns around COVID-19, MoCo Arts is gearing up to welcome students back for in-person dance and theatre classes this fall! We spent the summer developing…

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Welcome Back!

We are so excited to welcome our students and families back to MoCo Arts. It’s been very quiet here without you! And though we are anxious to open our doors, we know we must be patient and take things one step at a time. Here’s a breakdown of how we’re…

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